DIY lavender-vanilla-scrub

Published on June 27th, 2013 | by Rachel Budke


Vanilla and Lavender Body Scrub

I’ve always liked to spend extra time every so often to do at home “spa nights”.  This was the first sugar body scrub that I’ve ever tried, and I can tell it’s definitely not going to be my last!  It was super fast to make, and can be customized using different ingredients that you have at home already.  You will be shocked at how easy it is to make a scrub just like the expensive ones from  specialty stores!

When using the scrub, the lavender buds get crushed which gives a boost of relaxing lavender scent.  While I really enjoyed that aspect of the scrub, I was worried that continuous use would not be very good for your drain.  If this is a concern that you have as well, I would suggest getting a drain stopper similar to this one.

Vanilla and Lavender Body Scrub |

Lavender and Vanilla Body Scrub

Total Time: 5 minutes

Yield: 1 jar



  1. In a medium sized bowl, mix together all ingredients.
  2. Store in a jar and use in the shower or tub daily, stirring before use.


Be cautious when using this product, as the oil can make shower and tub surfaces slippery. For safety precautions, you may want to purchase a textured bath mat, such the one I listed here.

Vanilla and Lavender Body Scrub |

Vanilla and Lavender Body Scrub |

Disclaimer: This post contains affiliate links. I was not paid to endorse any of these products. All opinions are always my own! 

About the Author

Rachel is a senior at Kansas State University, where she is studying Bakery Science. In the fall of 2013 she studied abroad in Florence, Italy. She loves cooking, photography and DIY projects.

23 Responses to Vanilla and Lavender Body Scrub

  1. Stephanie says:

    I am super excited to make your recipe, however I have one question, I will be filling 4oz mason bell jars for about 10-15 people….since this recipe is for one pint jar, do you have a suggestion on how to multiply for me? It can even be for more, because it will not go to waste!
    Thank you for your help.

  2. Kamna says:

    Hey Rachel!
    The measures you have mentioned for sugar are using the dry measuring baking cup and the 1 cup oil using the liquid measuring cup ? Or are they just proportion using any standard cup measurement ?

  3. fiskeygrl says:

    How would jojoba oil work?

    • Rachel Budke says:

      Definitely. I would recommend doing a half and half mixture with a cheaper oil since jojoba oil is a bit more expensive. I’ve just recently been introduced to jojoba oil and am loving it!!

  4. retta says:

    I used sunflower oil instead of the grade seed and I used the amount you said but I found it to be too oily so I added more sugar and it still worked great.

  5. Nadiah. says:

    Can use it on face?

    • Rachel Budke says:

      Hi Nadiah. Yes, you can use it on your face. If you are prone to breakouts, be sure to wash off the excess oil that sticks to your skin. These scrubs work to exfoliate your skin. They take off the dead skin cells, leaving you with smooth skin. The lavender helps you to relax and relieve stress.

  6. Nadiah. says:

    Hi, whats the benefit if this scrubs?

  7. Kerry Andrews says:

    Hey do you think you would be able to use coconut oil instead?

  8. kirsty says:

    How long can you keep it for as would like to do it for a gift x x x

  9. Very Nice I love Lavender Buds I use on my Provence lavender soap

  10. cherine says:

    Do you have to use grape seed oil? If so where can I get it?

    • Rachel says:

      Grape seed oil is a great option because it is great for your skin and doesn’t have much of a scent, so it allows the lavender and vanilla to shine through. Olive oil is great for skin, but will interfere with the scent. If you click on the bold text that states “grape seed oil” in the instructions, it will take you to a link where you may buy it.

  11. Elissa says:

    what size jar did you use?

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